How Do You Know an Endodontic ( Root Canal) Treatment is Ideal?

How Do You Know an Endodontic ( Root Canal) Treatment is Ideal?

March 1, 2023

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal involves removing the infected or diseased pulp from the root of your tooth. The pulp comprises blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue and can cause pain if it becomes inflamed due to infection. Removing pulp can help save your natural tooth and prevent it from becoming infected.

Why Do You Need a Root Canal?

Tooth infections and abscesses tend to spread through the bone that surrounds the tooth. When this happens, it becomes painful and may even cause pain in other teeth. These infections can lead to tooth loss or damage if not treated properly by a dentist immediately following an infection outbreak.

In addition to preventing these issues from happening again, a root canal treatment will also prevent unnecessary extraction of healthy teeth by using a root canal procedure instead of removing them completely from their sockets until they’re ready for replacement surgery.

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

If you have any of these signs, it may be time to visit an endodontist near you:

  • Severe pain when eating or drinking.

If you have severe pain when eating or drinking, it’s time to see Dr. Fabiola Camacho. This can signify a tooth problem, such as an infection or nerve damage.

  • Heat and cold sensitivity

If you have a toothache, the nerves in your teeth are inflamed and irritated. This can make them sensitive to hot or cold. For example, if you drink something very cold or hot, it may feel like there’s a sharp pain in your mouth. Tooth sensitivity can become severe if not treated properly.

  • A pimple-like bump on the gums

If you have a pimple-like bump on the gums, it may be caused by an infection. The bacteria that cause these infections are usually easy to treat with antibiotics.

  • Your gums are dark, swollen, or tender.

Swelling and tenderness in your gums and face may be caused by a tooth infected or damaged. In some cases, this can indicate an abscess on the root of a tooth or below the gum line. You may also notice darkening of the teeth, which is caused by damaged pulp or dead teeth. Visit an emergency dentist near you for treatment if you notice these problems.

  • You have a cracked tooth.

Cracked teeth can be painful and lead to severe problems if not treated quickly.

What Does a Root Canal Involve?

During an endodontic procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed from the tooth, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed.

The dentist will numb the area around the tooth with local anesthesia. Once the area is numb, the root canal specialist will open the tooth so that they can access the pulp chamber.

Next, using special instruments, the dentist will remove the nerve and pulp from inside the tooth. The inside of the tooth will then be cleaned and sealed. In some cases, a temporary filling will be placed in the tooth.

The final step of the procedure is to place a permanent filling or crown on the tooth. Root canal procedures usually take one or two visits to complete.

Does it Hurt to Have a Root Canal?

When most people think of root canals, they think of the pain associated with them. However, root canals are quite painless. The procedure involves numbing the tooth and surrounding area so you will not feel any pain. You may feel pressure while the dentist works, but this is usually not painful. After the procedure, you may feel discomfort for a day or two, but this can be easily managed with pain medication. If the discomfort persists, visit a Dentist in Winter springs for treatment.

Root Canal Specialists in Winter Springs, FL

Please do not hesitate to visit 434 Dentistry – Dr. Fabiola Camacho DDS for assistance if you notice the symptoms mentioned above.

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